Dockland Scout Project
Dockland Scout Project

We are currently unable to offer any midweek activity bookings.

Welcome aboard the Lord Amory

The only permanently moored campsite in the UK

Based in the West India Dock Complex to the east side of London, we offer the perfect location for Water Activities, Open Days and formal training courses to youth groups and adults involved in organisations such as Scouts, Guides, Cadets.

We also offer accommodation to visitors to London on a Bed & Breakfast style basis at very competitive rates. Please explore for further details.

Dockland Scout Project


The Scout Association British Canoe Unuion Royal Yachting Association Training Centre
Supported by
Supported by Canary Wharf Group Supported by Canal & River Trust Supported by Inspired Design + Print Solutions.
Dockland Scout Project Dockland Scout Project

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