Dockland Scout Project
Dockland Scout Project

Learn with confidence

RYA Dinghy & Power, BCU Kayak & Canoe

Coaches & Instructors

The Project is very lucky in having a large team of instructors and coaches all to National Governing Body standards. (Royal Yachting Association, British Canoe Union, British Rowing). All Staff at DSP are First Aid trained.

Powerboating 18 Dinghy Sailing 16 Keelboat Sailing 5 Canoeing / Kayaking 40
Pulling 4 First Aid 7 Diesel Engine 4 VHF / SRC 5

Royal Yachting Association

The Dockland Scout Project (DSP) is a Royal Yachting Association (RYA) recognised teaching establishment, staffed by fully qualified instructors following the RYA syllabus. Recognition indicates that the DSP meets the strict RYA criteria for quality of boats, equipment, safety and of course tuition - we are inspected annually and continue to pass with honour. RYA standards are not only recognised in the UK but overseas by members of the International Sailing Schools Association. All our RYA courses can be run in the Docks or out on the much busier tidal River Thames.

Course duration, accommodation & food

All courses are Non Residential and start at 0900 on Saturday and finish at 1700 on Sundays and do not include accommodation or meals. (Meals and Accommodation is available see price list for details)

RYA Assessments

Special instruction sessions and assessments can be arranged in most of the craft available at DSP. This will involve additional assessment fee and cost for items such as logbooks, certificates, badges, etc.

Youth and Adult Dinghy Sailing Courses

The winds in the docks are for all, from the beginner to the potential instructor. We operate a large fleet of 26 modern dinghies comprising;

Keelboat Courses

The Project are able to run these courses on either the Docks or more usually on the tidal River Thames. We operate six keelboats, four 25ft long Drascombe Gigs, "Betty Court", "Chatham", "Braunton" and "Gravesend", which are ideal for the course and for expeditions. We also have a 21ft Drascombe Longboat "Westminster" and a 19ft Drascombe Lugger "Kingfisher" which are used to move younger candidates on from dinghies to the larger gigs. All six boats are on custom built road trailers and can be supplied with oars, engine and covers should you wish to run the course at another venue or hire them after you have qualified.

Powerboat Courses

The RYA's National Powerboat Scheme is for those wanting to drive small open powerboats such as RHIBs (rigid hulled inflatable boats), sports boats and small inboard launches. These boats are generally powered by an outboard or inboard diesel engines, do not normally have accommodation on board, and so are not intended for extended cruises. They may be used for short coastal or inland trips, fishing, and safety cover for other watersports, waterskiing or as a support boat for diving.

The Project is very fortunate to have a large fleet of powercraft to allow us to offer a very varied course structure.

We have 7 inboard displacement boats. 

We have 9 open planing boats

Click here for details and dates of all our upcoming courses.

British Canoe Union

Canoeing and kayaking is an exciting, adventurous and recreational activity, much of which derives from the environment around you. The unique and calm waters of the West India and Millwall Docks provide these opportunities in a safe environment for beginners and for those with more skills.

The Dockland Scout Project (DSP) canoeing instruction team are all members of the British Canoe Union (BCU) coaching scheme. The training available is comprehensive, catering from the complete beginner BCU 1 star through to potential level 3 coach. The majority of our sizeable canoe fleet are kayaks, but we also have many open canadian canoes.

The courses available

BCU 1 and 2 star courses
BCU 3 star and higher
BCU Foundation for Safety Rescue Training

Other courses can be arranged if there is sufficient demand to make a course viable.  please give us a call and ask.

Course duration, accommodation & food

Some of our courses start at 20.00 on Friday and all courses conclude at approximately 17.00 on Saturday or Sunday.

All courses are Non Residential and start at 0900 on Saturday and finish at 1700 on Sundays and do not include accommodation or meals. (Meals and Accommodation is available see price list for details)

Depending on the course a short excursion to a nearby indoor swimming pool, for capsize practice, may be included in the course package.

BCU Assessments

Special instruction sessions and assessments can be arranged in most of the craft available at DSP. this will involve an additional assessment fee and cost for items such as certificates and badges, etc.

Scout Pulling / Rowing Courses

The Project  is able to offer courses to enable youngsters and adults to undertake  the training neccesary to gain a B1 or B2 Scout Activity permit.

We operate 2 mulit oared 20ft Home Counties Gigs, 1 - 16ft Rover multi oared Gig, 3 - 11ft Coypu dinghies and  8 smaller dinghies. Our four Drascombe Gigs are also able to be pulled by 8 persons. The course can be tailored to groups needs and can be undertaken in the Docks or on the tidal River Thames.

The Project has 4 British Rowing Level 2 coaches on the team as well as many assistant coaches to ensure a good standard of tuition.

Safety on the water & boating equipment

The Scout Association POR Rule 42 applies at DSP. the waters within the West India Docks are classified as B1. A safety boat, with a qualified coxswain and crew, is on the water during all water activity sessions.

DSP, in common with most scout groups, districts and counties, does not need a license under the Adventure Activities Regulations 1996. Our water activity craft and safety equipment are regularly checked and maintained to meet the appropriate safety standards.

The use of own boats and/or safety equipment is possible - you must check with us at the time of booking.

Those with special needs

The majority of water activities offered can be made available to those with special needs - please seek our advice at the time of booking.



Dockland Scout Project Dockland Scout Project

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