Dockland Scout Project
Dockland Scout Project

We are currently unable to offer any midweek activity bookings.

Images from around the Project

If you have any comments or images you would like us to include in this gallery, please e-mail

DSP Gallery >> Pulling and Rowing
2 Images

Home Counties Gig
Home Counties Gig
4 Images

Sea Scout Coypu
Sea Scout Coypu
9 Images

Small Dinghies
Small Dinghies
7 Images

002.JPG - 2792kb

Pull 1.jpg - 294kb

Pull 3.jpg - 443kb

pull 4.jpg - 464kb

Pull 5.jpg - 458kb

Pull 7.jpg - 430kb

"Millwall" a 22ft Pulling Gig, 4 oars and acox plus room for 2 or 3 more.

Pull 8.jpg - 235kb

"Quartermaster" one of the three Sea Scout Coypu's we have at the base. These are ideal for pulling, stern sculling and can be sailed.

Dockland Scout Project Dockland Scout Project

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